B~WAVE print


16 years ago Oli Adams, a professional surfer and our Co-Creator, was walking the entire coastline of a remote Scottish Island looking for new waves. On day two of the mission he discovered a wave that was as perfect, as it was beautiful. Since then he has consistently ventured back to the place he describes as ‘The most spiritual place on Earth’ to find absolute heavenly solitude. This day was the biggest and most perfect he had ever seen it breaking and he says this is the ‘Iconic Beefies photo’.

S I Z E : Landscape A3 (297 X 420mm)

P H O T O : By Megan Jones

L O C A T I O N : Scotland

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S I Z E : Landscape A3 (297 X 420mm)

P H O T O : By Megan Jones

L O C A T I O N : Scotland